TECO Granted Sustainability Award for Fourth Year Running


For the fourth year running, TECO Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd. has won the acknowledgement of Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards for its dedication to the green cause in recent years. According to the evaluation result of the award for 2017, TECO wins the honor in three categories, TOP50 in the electronic and information technology manufacturing section for the corporate sustainability report category, talent development award for the performance in individual item category, and TOP50 corporate sustainability award for the general performance category. The repeat acknowledgement affirms TECO's long-term fulfillment of corporate social responsibilities and quest for materializing the concept of sustainable management.

In addition to dedication to R&D on green technology for the provision of energy-conserving solutions, TECO, along with major suppliers, completed in 2016, one step ahead of peers, a series of inventories on the environmental footprint and water footprint of motors, followed by inspection and monitoring of raw-material supply chain and product manufacturing, in the hope of greening the entire product life cycle and supply chain.   

TECO won the "talent development award," just added by the organizer Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy last year, thanks to "systematic talent development" and a personnel system featuring merit pay, on top of technology apprentice system and good fringe benefits, practices which the judges said are worthy of emulation by other enterprises. 

TECO set up "corporate social responsibility committee" back in 2014, overseeing the execution of works related to sustainability issue, on top of incorporation of ESG (energy, society, and governance) indicators into the decision-making process, reasons why it has won the corporate citizen award organized by Commonwealth magazine for sixth straight year and top 5% in corporate governance evaluation for the third straight year. TECO aspires to achieve the goal of "energy conservation, emission reduction, smart application, and automation," pursuing corporate sustainable development and fulfill corporate social responsibility at the same time.