All eleven director candidates nominated by TECO gain full support from ISS and Glass Lewis
Following yesterday's voting recommendation from Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) advising "For" to all eleven director(including independent directors) candidates nominated by TECO, another internationally renowned institution, Glass Lewis (GL), today (May 16th) also issued its voting recommendation suggesting "For” to all eleven candidates nominated by TECO" and recommending " Against” to all eight director and independent director candidates nominated by external shareholder CSI Technology Co., Ltd."
TECO (Stock code: 1504) is scheduled to hold its 2024 annual general meeting of shareholders on May 24th. Both internationally renowned authoritative foreign institutional voting advisory agencies, ISS and GL, after thorough evaluation, have recommended shareholders to vote "For” to all eleven candidates nominated by TECO." TECO stated that receiving identical voting recommendations from authoritative foreign institutional voting advisory agencies demonstrates that the company's nominated candidates align with TECO’s future development direction, affirming the efforts and achievements of the management team.