TECO Rolls Out Green Smart Factory Solution
TECO Electric & Machinery Co., Ltd. rolls out green smart factory solution during Automation Taipei 2023, held at Hall 1, Nangang Exhibition Center, Aug. 23-26.
The solution is the centerpiece of TECO's exhibition, which also includes a number of other items featuring one-stop service and all-round systematic solutions, including high-efficiency motor drive system, chiller energy-conserving AI group control system, energy storage system, and green logistics system.
Sophia Chiu, TECO chairman, points out that in line with the global current of net zero carbon emission, TECO not only offers products and services but also plays the key role of integration, helping major power consumers attain energy conservation and emission reduction. Via custom professional evaluation and smart digital analysis, along with one-stop service, the company offers customers all-round green smart manufacturing solution, covering manufacturing equipment and production system, thereby boosting sustainable corporate competitiveness.
According to the statistics of the Bureau of Energy, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the electronics industry accounts for 40% of the industrial power consumption, which, in turn, has over 50% share in Taiwan's total power consumption. Therefore, TECO showcases various factory and process energy-conservation solutions, along with their energy-saving figures, for the electronics industry. They include such factory equipment as pneumatic system, waste-water and exhaust treatment systems, and air-conditioning system.
Also on display are such process equipment as high-performance IE4 motor for vacuum system, which, coupled with inverter, can attain 51% power saving, compared with IE1 motor, and high-efficiency heat pump for providing hot water, boasting 50% carbon-emission reduction, compared with fuel-gas boiler. Another highlight is "feedback variable-frequency control system," integrating high-efficiency motor, sensing components, inverter, and controller, capable of making feedback variable-frequency adjustment, according to customers' process needs and changes in system load, thereby attaining power saving, without the need of installing new equipment.
Smart chiller energy-conserving AI group control system optimizes factory energy conservation
Meant for factory application, TECO's "smart chiller energy-conserving AI group control system" is capable of AI computation and feedback control, according to the operating status of chiller, water pump, cooling water tower, and air-conditioning box, including figures concerning flow, voltage difference, indoor heat load, and cooling-water heat dissipation, thereby attaining optimal energy conservation.
Smart energy storage system facilitates optimal power maneuvering
With renewable energy gaining traction worldwide, TECO's smart energy-storage system facilitates optimal maneuvering of green power and operation of grid, on top of substituting for diesel-oil generator in emergent power supply, thereby cutting greenhouse-gas emission. Another noticeable exhibit is powertrain for logistics e-vehicles, facilitating materialization of green logistics. ,
TECO debuts a number of products in the show, such as IE5-performance inductive motor and ultra high-performance IE5 series products, including synchronous magnetic-reluctance motor, permanent-magnet motor, EC motor, and permanent-magnet direct drive system, suited to various industrial applications and needs.
TECO exhibits aim to help customers forge smart energy-conserving, low-carbon production lines, marching towards a green future.