TECO Passes TCIC ISO Information Security Certification


In the face of rampaging hacking activities, TECO Electric & Machinery has established a robust information security system, as proven by the recent certification of ISO/IEC 27001 by Canadian certification body TCIC and indigenous CNS 27001:2014 ISMS. 

Sophia Chiu, TECO chairman, pointed out that in order to uphold corporate assets and secrets, the company has spared no effort in building a high-specifications information security mechanism, thereby creating a reliable operating environment and facilitating digital transformation.

Upon presentation of ISO/IEC 27001 certificate on Nov. 19, Daniel Liang , general manager of global operation, TCIC, lauded TECO's effort in information security, affirming conformance of its information security system to international standards,. which is critical for corporate operation, in the face of rampant hacker threat. Sophia Chiu remarked that the certification proves the company's capability in information security, lowering the possibility of information-securities incidents and avoiding their disruptive effect on corporate operation.

The ISO/IEC 27001 certification covers the designs of TOS and ERP, development and maintenance management, and management of the Internet and equipment room (including backup equipment room). In addition, TECO has been holding information security-related courses and training irregularly, including online courses during COVID-19 lockdown.

Following the certification, TECO will study further introduction of other latest information-security standards, so as to safeguard the company's operation and avoid leakage of the secrets of customers and business partners.